Meeting and interaction

Wageningen Campus is bovenal een inspirerende ontmoetingsplek voor verbinding en samenwerking. Op de campus bevinden zich verschillende faciliteiten voor het organiseren van bijvoorbeeld wetenschappelijke congressen, lezingen, zakelijke bijeenkomsten of debatten, maar u kunt er ook sporten, een kop koffie drinken of een lunchconcert bezoeken. Neem bijvoorbeeld ontmoetingscentrum Impulse en Dialogue Centre Omnia, die ruimte bieden aan evenementen over interessante mondiale vraagstukken, variërend van grootschalige symposia tot kleinschalige workshops.

From meetings to symposia

Impulse and Omnia are the main meeting facilities on campus. Impulse offers a broad substantive programme for everyone to join and several different spaces to meet in an informal setting including temporary, public workspace and a speakers corner. At dialogue Centre Omnia, science meets society. As of 1 May 2022, everyone is welcome to meet up and engage in a dialogue during academic events and other gatherings.

Planning something special? Check in and discover the options.

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Keeping it casual

Getting a cup of coffee or going out for a lunch? There are several great options on Wageningen Campus. Impulse houses her own restaurant, as do several of the Wageningen University & Research monoliths, like Forum and Orion. Campus Plaza also offers various restaurants, take aways and terraces. In the Business and Science Park Wageningen you can visit Meet & Eat to do exactly that, grab a bite and make a connection.

Learn something new

There’s always something happening on campus, an open lecture, a lunch concert, a workshop or the kick-off of a new project. Wageningen Campus is an ecosystem of enthusiastic students, researchers and other professionals, sharing their inspiration with each other.

Take it outside

Wageningen Campus is green! Next to being as sustainable and circular as possible, there is an abundance of greenspace with nice water features and plenty of places to make yourself comfortable. So when the weather allows, why not have a meeting outside, for instance in the amphitheatre? There is also the option of reserving a tennis or squash court at Sports Centre de Bongerd, where there’s a lot of other sports facilities to use as well. Meet up and work out.